Its like a magical bond that forms within you, there are no bells and whistles nor is it that easy to notice. Its a little more subtle, more like a feeling of calm (albiet brief, in most cases) a kind of little inner buzz.
Even a short 1 minute stillness with intention can set you straight.
If you have the desire to extend this feeling and start setting a few more measurable to the magic, then why not start the 2010 experiment.
How it works:
- Find a space you can be alone for 20 minutes
- Light a candle
- Breathe deeply, in for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts out for 4 counts, do this for 5 minutes
- When you catch your mind wondering, just come back to the breathing and counting.
- When you feel ready, allow your imagination to take you to a beautiful place, somewhere that makes you smile, a forest, a beach, a mountain, imagine it is December 2010.
- Look around that place and notice its beauty
- Notice what you are wearing, holding, drinking or eating
- Imagine someone walking towards to you (you may know them or you may not)
- Greet them and begin to tell them about your amazing year, 2010
- Tell them all the things you have done, places you have visited and people you have met
- Now show them pictures of the things you have done, describe them in detail
- When you have finished, say good bye and return to your breathing
- Breathe in for the count of 4, hold it for the count of 4, and out for the count of 4
- Come back to the room and open your eyes slowly
Take those images that were shown to you and remember them every morning when you wake up. Do this for a month, then let it go!
That's it your done, the magic will unfold.
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